
USA Hartly Update

A Stateside Update September Interviewer:  Hello Hartley family.  Welcome back to the states!  How are you all doing? Hartleys:  Thank you!  We are doing pretty well.  We had a bit of a flu bug for a couple weeks and jet lag was rough this time, but we are finally on the mend. Interviewer:  Are you enjoying being home?  Can you tell us some […]

Joy in the Journey

Joy in the Journey. We are on the final stretch of our packing up… Hello everyone,  Since I wrote you last, our schedules have been filled to the top with transitioning our ministries, transitioning our animals, a lot of goodbyes to the students we have been ministering to, doubling up on homeschooling so that we don’t […]

Plot Twist

Plot Twist. We have had some pretty big things come our way in the week since I last wrote to you all.  We asked our visa agent some pretty direct questions and was finally told that it is extremely unlikely that our 3 plans will yield us a new visa or permanent residency before our current […]

Challenges and Joys…

Student ministry and two costume parties… In the past month, we have had a lot of fun and we are in process of helping to launch two new ministries! We continue to use our big farmhouse for hospitality and we hosted events or people over half of the days last month.  We love it!  We hosted 30+ people […]

Student Ministry

Student ministry and two costume parties… In the past month, we have had a lot of fun and we are in process of helping to launch two new ministries! We continue to use our big farmhouse for hospitality and we hosted events or people over half of the days last month.  We love it!  We hosted 30+ people […]

A Forgiveness Filled Month

A Forgiveness Filled Month… Here in the Southern Hemisphere we are steadily moving towards autumn and from day to day the weather can’t make up its mind as to whether we will have extended summer days with shorts and flip flops or whether it is a wool sweater and hot chocolate sort of day.  What […]

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