
08 October 2021


We’ve added a lot of new friends to our newsletter list recently, so if this is your first one from us – welcome! We are so glad we met you and thank you for your interest in our family and ministry. 
We have really enjoyed our visit home for the past three months and we are also so looking forward to getting on a plane and flying home to Africa in three days.  Our summer was filled with life-giving connections with family and friends and we are also incredibly thankful for introductions to new churches and friends who are coming alongside us in prayer and support now.
As we re-entered the states after three years away, there were a lot of changes that concerned us:  extra divisiveness, polarized opinions on health policies, politics, education and more, higher prices, more litter, more homeless people, and so much more fear.  When we leave, it is as if people and places are frozen in our memories and when we return it is a bit of a shock to our system that people are aging (even us!), that kids are SO much taller, our former middle school students are married with kids – there is so much that is different.  Covid definitely left it’s mark.  Every person we met with has been impacted somehow by all the changes and needed an extra round of listening, a liberal dose of compassion, and often a long hug to let them know they are not alone.  Having answers wasn’t as important as letting them know they are loved and seen.
We grieved loss and pain that this past season has brought with many.  Dan’s oldest brother Steve died in August and we had a small family service to remember his life.  He had significant health struggles in recent years, but it was still a surprise to have him pass at age 58.  My Uncle Roger also died last weekend.  We visited him each time we made a trip to CA in the last decade and are thankful for the extra time we had with him.  We also so thankful to have an afternoon with a friend who has advanced cancer and the chance to pray with and for him.  We are never guaranteed a certain amount of years here on earth and it is a sobering reminder to live life intentionally, with grace, and to do our part to heal relationships so we have no regrets whenever it is that God calls us home.  
There were definitely difficult seasons, but I feel that many more moments were filled with reconnections and our conversations centered around His goodness and kindness and the joy of serving Him.  We have a ministry that is funded by the generosity of donations.  As we found many of you to say thank you, the donation feels so secondary compared to the friendship, care, prayer, delight, and joy that we have as we “do life” with you all.  We are absolutely rich is friendships.  We went to a new church practically every Sunday.  We reconnected with childhood friends who have known us for 35+ years and friends from all the seasons of our life found us again.  Also, family.  All the time with parents, sisters, brothers, their spouses, and our nieces and nephews was absolutely the best. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to all of you!  We are going back to Africa with full hearts.
As we are nearing the end of our visit, we are now looking ahead to what is to come in our next season in South Africa.  We can’t wait to be in our own little home again, hugging our African friends, and sharing stories of God’s goodness to us while we were in America while watching a gorgeous sunset, drinking mango juice, and eating copious amounts of delicious meat at a braai (BBQ).  
While the packing up and moving part isn’t exactly my favorite, I love the reset button that another move will give us as we transition our life to another province in the next few months and we have a joyful anticipation for what is to come.  While it feels like our hearts are in several different places, we are thankful for so many of you who love us well wherever we find ourselves in the world and for your prayers and support which make it possible for us to live and minister in South Africa.  Thank you!
A few things you can pray with us for in the coming weeks:

  • Safe travels back to South Africa (we fly from Oct 10th-12th)
  • Great connections with the youth group and a good transition out of leading them at our Johannesburg church.
  • For a rental home for us in Bethlehem to be finalized.
  • Peace and rest.

Blessings and joy to you all, 
Janell and Dan 
PS.  Many of you were interested in signing up to be donors – thank you!  You can click on the orange  “Donate” button below for several options for giving.  Please let us know if you need help.  You are a blessing – thank you for helping make it possible for us to live and minister in South Africa!

Thanks for supporting us!

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